LGBTQIA+ Counseling

Queer-affirming care is a necessity to help members of our community navigate this world.

As members of the LGBTQIA+ community, we understand the unique challenges and struggles you may face. In a world still rife with stigma and discrimination, it can be daunting to navigate the intersectionality of your identities. We are dedicated to providing a safe and affirming space for individuals like you.

Whether you're seeking to explore your sexual identity, understand your desires more deeply, or navigate the intricacies of your gender, our therapists have the experience and compassion to support you every step of the way.

Sexuality can be particularly challenging for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, as societal norms often prioritize heterosexuality. This can lead to confusion, self-doubt, and a lack of guidance in understanding your own desires and preferences. Our therapy sessions offer a supportive environment where you can freely explore your identity without fear of judgment or shame.

Navigating non-traditional relationships can also be fraught with stigma and negativity. Our therapists serve as a filter, helping you navigate through the smog of heteronormativity and find a path that aligns with your authentic self.

You deserve to live authentically and embrace all facets of your identity. Let us support you on your journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.

Pricing: Ranges from $90-$210 depending on the clinician. We accept some insurance providers.